Marian Council Member Meeting Minutes – September 9, 2021

November 23, 2021 | Written by


Marian Council #3827 Business Meeting Minutes

September 9, 2021

The meeting was called to order by DGK Yectli Huerta at 7:05p.m. followed by the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

Prayer was offered by Randy Omlie.

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
  • Membership: We had 2 transfers into our council and a candidate to vote in. A motion was made and seconded to admit all 3 men to the council. Motion approved.
  • Knight Sunday; Sept. 26th at Assumption parish.
  • Treasurer’s report: We have a checkbook bal. of $23,034.69. A motion was made and seconded to approve the treasurers report. Motion approved
  • Budget: A motion was made to table the budget.
  • Coats for Kids resolution; Motion was made and seconded to approve the resolution. Motion approved.
  • Soccer Challenge; Had 35 participants, a success.
  • Church Roundtables; 3 church festivals coming up at parishes.
  • Fraternal Board.
    • Jim Rasmussen our restaurant manager gave notice that he will be retiring. We have strong bookings but are short on staff.
    • Risen Savior; we will be working the bar there on Sept. 12th.
  • Gambling: We have a working bal. of $25,404. A motion was made for prior gambling expenses totaling $3,000.00. A motion was made and seconded to approve the amount. Motion passed.
  • Lecture program: Chris Perske will be our speaker tonight.
  • Special Olympics: We will have 2 shifts, but no food served because of covid-19
  • Respect Life: Mary Ziesner is our speaker on Oct. 4th in the Madonna Room at 7;00p.m.
  • 4th Degree; Having a meeting next Wed. The 4th Degree Pancake breakfast is cancelled, and members are asked to make a cash donation instead.
  • KC insurance; Having a benefit night on Oct. 5th at 7;00p.m.
  • Unfinished business; none.
  • New business.
    • Donations: A motion was made and seconded to approve $100.00 toward St. Helena’s Church festival. Motion approved.
  • Coats for Kids resolution; A motion was made and seconded to take $508.72 from council funds and add $600.00 to the general expense fund that will be reimbursed once the income is collected. Motion approved.
  • Incarnation: next food distribution is Sept.18th
  • Pot-O-Gold winner is Bill Weldon.
  • Prayer List; added names to the list.
  • Chaplains’ summation and closing prayer; by Randy Omlie

Meeting adj.8;25p.m.
Recorder; Joe Novak

Marian Council #3827 is Minnesota’s largest Knights of Columbus chapter, part of a billion-dollar international Catholic organization. We promote family life, education and citizenship.

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